There may be times where the Visionable client isn’t working as expected or perhaps there are issues with video or audio which are impacting day to day usage. If any unexpected behaviour or issues arise, then please raise an E-report to the Support team for further investigation as detailed in the steps below. An E-report will contain advanced technical information pulled from the client / system to help identify any problems.
Raising an E-report from the Visionable client:
Firstly, find the ‘Help & Feedback’ tab on the Visionable client menu as seen highlighted below.
After clicking this, you should find a sub-menu pop up as seen below, please select the ‘Report a Problem’ option which is highlighted.
This will then bring up a window where you can enter information about the issue (please be as detailed as possible when describing any issues), once you are finished then simply click ‘Submit’ and an E-report will be raised to the Support team for further investigation.
Raising an E-report via the Visionable Icon in the Menu Bar:
If for any reason, they are unable to go through the ‘Help & Feedback’ option detailed above, there is another way to try sending an E-report. This can also be done by finding the Visionable Client icon in the Menu Bar and then right clicking, this will bring up a small menu as seen below, simply click on ‘Report a Problem’ and the E-report window (as seen above) will be brought up for you to enter any information required.